Thursday, November 29, 2012

Twas the Night Before Friday...

Twas the night before Friday and all through the place,
All the creatures were sleeping, even little Mix-face.
The dishes were left in the sink without care
In hopes that a maid/fairy soon would be there.

The puppies were nestled all snug in their beds
With visions of bacon treats dancing in their heads.
While watching Teen Mom and trying to nap,
I settled back to enjoy some reality TV crap.

Then from outside I heard such a clatter
I sprang from the couch to see what was the matter
Away to the back door I flew in a flash,
Tripping over Mixy and Shadow as they crashed,

Through the back door, howling and crying
To see if another creature was spying.
When what to my wondering eyes was on the floor,
But two silly, fighting cats that live next door!

Those snarling old tabbies, so angry and quick,
My dogs sprinted after them, trying not to get hit.
More rapid than eagles, the cats sprinted away
They knew if they got caught, they would pay.

I cried after my dogs as they started to fly,
I knew if they could, they would chase them to the sky.
So up the fence the cats flew like a flash,
And my dogs tumbled into it with a crash.

I sighed and I puckered my lips in a whistle,
And they came back like the down of a thistle.
As they ran inside, I turned to the cats (now out of sight),

Happy Thursday!

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