Friday, July 20, 2012

All Sunshines!

It's Friday and even though I'm working, but it's still ALL sunshines today!

  • I'm back on track with eating healthy! GET SOME!
  • My good friend DANIELLE comes back into town this week! I can't WAIT to see her and eat Mexican food and catch up with her. She lives in Chicago now, and I miss her!
  • Fiance and I have a date night planned for tomorrow night. BATMAN and Wingstop. Fiance's FAVORITE things in the world!
  • Shadow learned a new trick. And by trick, I mean he is the SMARTEST dog in the world and now knows what the word "careful!" means. When he jumps on the bed and I say, "careful!", he steps over all cautiously to avoid stepping on anything. If I don't say it, he just walks on over. TOO smart!
  • I got a new water bottle for work. I never knew how old and scratched my old one was until I got a new one! lol
  • I've really been taking advantage of the gym. I did an hour straight of cardio yesterday and found out that I can RUN for way longer than I thought I could. Next stop, 5k!
  • I've been reading To the Lighthouse by Woolfe, and I LOVE it. I can't believe I haven't read this before.
  • I've been too addicted to Trader Joe's shampoo and conditioner. It has tea tree oil and it makes my scalp all tingly and clean-feeling. And my hair is shinier than ever. Love it.

It's Friday, everyone! Smile! Enjoy the weekend!

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