Sunday, February 26, 2012

Oscar Sunday

It's here. Boyfriend's equivilent of Disneyland, only better, because it only happens once a year. It's like Christmas. It's...


All year long, Boyfriend has been active in the movie industry. He follows his favorite actors, producers, directors, production companies. We watched as many potential Oscar nominees as we could (we don't always get them here... one of the main reasons Boyfriend wants to move to a bigger city!). And now... we find out the best of the best for cinema this year.


I'm hoping for The Artist to win Best Picture, Best Score, and Best Actor. I hope Rooney Mara wins Best Actress, Midnight in Paris wins Best Original Screenplay, Nick Nolte wins Best Supporting Actor. I also wouldn't mind George Clooney winning Best Actor.

But we'll see! Are you watching the Oscars tonight?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Sunshines and Dark Clouds

It's Friday, so time to recap the good points and the bad points of the week/day in my weekly series... SUNSHINES AND DARK CLOUDS! Woo!

  • Tonight we are going to a party for Val's birthday and I'm excited. Boyfriend, Thomas and I bought a new type of liquor to try... however, now that we're older and not trying to get drunk (can I get a hallelujah?), it's more fun to buy alcohol that we actually like instead of just cheap booze. Ah, growing up.
  • I spent this week's evenings going through my Dreamworks and Pixar films and I completely forgot how amazing and SAD so many of them are... but so good! I watched Up and How to Train your Dragon... so great.
  • The show Big Bang Theory is so amazing. I can't help but laugh when I watch it.
        "I work at the Cheesecake Factory" -Penny
        "I love cheesecake!" -Leonard
        "You're lactose intolerant..." -Sheldon
        "I don't eat it, I just think it's a good idea!" -Leonard.

  • I got a manicure last week with Val and my nails have held up surprisingly well.
  • I finished that big project at work (CAN I GET A HALLELUJAH!) and I'm really proud of it!
  • I had been complaining about my socks (that I've had since 2008) so Boyfriend bought me some more. Awww.
Dark Clouds
  • I keep putting off working out but I know I have to!
  • I think there's dust or something in my house, because my eyes are itchy and dry.
  • I should have spent the last two hours napping, but instead I just messed around on the internet. Awesome.
  • Boyfriend's computer is being really sketchy... like the internet keeps showing an error and reloading pages. But that makes it difficult to go to the second page of a website, and it also signs me out of my normal pages. SO annoying.
  • We have 15 lbs of chicken in my house. Seriously. Literally. Boyfriend bought a five pound bag and Thomas bought a 10 lb bag. So much chicken. We will be eating chicken forever.
  • I am seeing more and more grammatical errors from Facebook friends and I can't tell if they are lazy or they just don't know... and I don't know which irks me more.
That's it for me! Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Jillian Michaels

Oh, Jillian Michaels. Why would you do this to me?

I just did Level 2 and I want to die and I'm so sore and I'm tired!

Exhausted. But feeling good, particularly because I have like, zero upper body strength and after level one and a couple days of level 2, I have (tiny) guns. I keep telling Boyfriend to feel them. And he's adorably supportive of me and always makes an impressed face and goes, "Oh, wow!" even though he works a physical labor job AND does P90X and has incredible arm muscles (which is one of my favorite parts about him! Lol!). So sweet.

Tired. Rest. Bed.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ash Wednesday

I've never been one to celebrate Mardi Gras (since I live in New Mexico, not Louisiana, and I work the next day), but as a Catholic, I know that Mardi Gras is really just the day before Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent. Lent, in case you haven't heard, is the time to give up a vice or introduce a good habit to your life, as well as a time to remind yourself to get closer to God (or whatever you believe in!).

I've gone through a lot of Lent seasons in my life. I vividly remember giving up chocolate milk in elementary school, which was a big deal since EVERYONE got chocolate milk at lunch instead of regular milk. That was hard but it definitely showed me how easy it is to get dependent on the luxuries in our life, be it chocolate milk, alcohol, material things, etc.

Lent is a big Catholic thing, but I don't think you have to be Catholic to take this time to introduce good habits and your own form of spirituality to your life or to remove a vice from your life. Any chance to improve myself is good enough for me, and that's why I'm a sucker for New Year's Resolutions, 25 before 25 lists, Bucket Lists, etc.

This year? I'll be giving up something big: french fries.

I LOVE FRENCH FRIES. They're the perfect food: salty, starchy, delicious, golden, crispy. I've always loved french fries, particularly from McDonalds. But no more, for 40 days and 40 nights. Instead of french fries, I'll be snacking on healthier foods and staying strong. I'm also going to be trying to cook at home more and use healthier, local, organic foods more often, but since I'm not setting a requirement for myself (like to always eat at home or not eat anything processed, which would be not only extremely hard but expensive and time consuming), I'll just try to use this as a guideline rather than a restriction (like the restriction on french fries).

In addition, I'm adding some quiet time for myself. I am not a "quiet time" type of person. I always have something going on: a book I'm reading, writing to be done, work, time with friends, cleaning, etc. But I've decided that in order to find peace and true happiness in my own life, I need some quiet time to just think and relax. I think this will help me be less judgmental or frustrated with people in my life (I'm not actually mad or frustrated with anyone, but I've noticed I snap more often at the dogs or at Boyfriend over tiny matters).

I'm also going to be more open minded about things that I know are important to Boyfriend, like his gangster movies. I find myself resisting when there's nothing to be worried about: all it takes is a couple hours of my time for a movie, and it always makes Boyfriend so happy. Why shouldn't I make this a priority when it helps Boyfriend and, in turn, our relationship?

Are you doing anything for Lent? Giving anything up? Doing something to better your life?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Breezy Sunday

Ah, Sundays. Normally, Sundays aren't my favorite days of the week (because it's the last day of the weekend, which means I usually have work tomorrow) but tomorrow is President's Day so I'm off work! WOO! I love Sundays when I'm off the next day. :o)

We got up and just lounged around until it was time to meet my parents and my sister at Red Lobster to celebrate my sister's birthday early. Her birthday is actually on the 27th, but she's so busy in law school that she came down for a little visit before because this is when her course load would allow it!

We started off with some oysters :o)

Birthday girl (wearing my birthday present to her, the earrings!) eating her oyster!

With some champagne...

Me and Boyfriend!

We had a great time relaxing and enjoying some seafood. Then Boyfriend and I headed to the store and came home, where we are now relaxing and watching old Flavor of Love episodes on Hulu+.

Last night, we saw Big Miracle (so cute!), which was my movie choice, so tonight Boyfriend and I are going to be making dinner, enjoying a glass of gerwurtzterminer wine from a local winery, and watching his movie choice: Goodfellas. It's an oldie but goodie, according to Boyfriend, and I've never seen it, but I love mafioso movies so I'm excited to see it.

What are you guys up to this weekend? Are you off tomorrow?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Sunshines and Dark Clouds

Welcome to another rousing edition of SUNSHINES AND DARK CLOUDS, which means, even better, that it's FRIDAY! WOO!

Let's get cracking:
  • Since I worked half a day last Friday, I took half a day off today. Then I realized I had an appointment scheduled anyway, so I used some vacation to have the whole day off. WOO!
  • I'm off Monday for President's Day (or something). Four day weekend? Yes, please!
  • I came home to dinner made by my wonderful Boyfriend: panko breaded chicken with extra louisiana hot sauce. Delicious!
  • I was given a big project at work and even though it's hard and thorough, it's a big deal since it represents our whole company and it made yesterday FLY by! I'm excited to have more responsibility and a better understanding of all the secret little projects my boss is always working on.
  • I have a nice pint of Ben and Jerry's peanut butter cup ice cream waiting for me. A pint usually takes me four or five times to finish, which only prolongs the magic of Ben and Jerry's.
  • The Oscars are coming up, which has given Boyfriend and me an excuse to watch movies all weekend long. Up this weekend? Big Miracle, Hugo (on DVD), Sherlock Holmes, and The Descendants.
  • I've been watching The Singing Bee on CMT, which I don't normally watch, but it's adorable and I like it. I don't have a great voice but I like singing along, which is what this show is all about!
  • Another sunshine is that I have so many sunshines to share! I'm in a great mood!
  • I've been working out on the elliptical and I always go 30 minutes on a number 3 resistance, but this week I've done 35 minutes on 4. It was hard but I'm proud that I made it the entire time!
Dark Clouds:
  • I'm definitely getting sick. I was hoping it was allergies, but I don't think it is. My chest is wheezy and I've been sneezy ALL DAY. I spy nyquil in my future tonight.
  • It's been windy and gross and cold outside.
  • It rained and was windy the past few evenings, which means that my beautiful white car is SUPER DIRTY. But it's only supposed to be rainy and windy this weekend, so I don't want to wash it yet!
  • Remix is being super weird about going outside. Like, she would rather go to her bed than go outside. Weird dog.
  • ALSO she chews on the wall. THE WALL! "What kind of beast just wants to chew stuff?" (if anyone gets this quote, I'll give them $5. HINT: it's from an incredible MTV show).
  • I still need to work out tonight. BLAH.
Have a great weekend! I know I will!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Late Valentine's Day

This was supposed to be posted on Valentine's Day, but it got stuck in the Blogger Draft Box of Perpetual Bugs, so here it is, a little late, for your enjoyment.

1. How long have you and your significant other been together?
Since July 23, 2009. We were friends for almost a year before that and talking all summer, but became "official" in July while I was on a Vegas trip with Val, Mikey and Thomas.

2. How did you meet? {What's your "love" story?}
At the time, my best friend was Mikey, whom I met when we both worked at Texas Roadhouse. We started hanging out in 2006 and poof! A friendship was born.
(that's us on my 21st birthday!)

Mikey's other best friend is Thomas, whom I met through Mikey in 2006, too:

(that's us in Vegas 2009! I love him!)

On Sunday evenings in 2008/2009, we would always go to movies. We called it Sunday Night Movie Night (original, right?). Thomas started working at UPS and met Boyfriend. They started hanging out and he started bringing him to movie night.

We were all friends, but I was still way closer to Thomas and Mikey than Boyfriend. Then, one summer, we started talking on the phone. I don't think the rest of the group knew how much we talked until we went to Vegas all together and I talked to Boyfriend for HOURS every day. Everyone was a little shocked...

But happy for us! In the midst of the trip, Boyfriend asked me to be his girlfriend, officially, and I came home in a relationship. It was the beginning of a beautiful thing.


3. If married, how long have you been married? If not, is this the guy you hope to marry? {do tell}
We aren't married, but I know he's the one. He's everything I didn't even know I wanted. He complements me perfectly (not compliments, though he does that, too!). He's chill where I'm wired. He's math orientated while I am definitely not. He's kind to dogs, waiters and kids. He's masculine and always takes care of me. I just love him.

4. If you are married, where did you get married at? Big or small wedding? If not, where would you like to get married? And will it be big or small?Oh, I definitely want a small to medium wedding, so destination it is! Since we both have big, Mexican families (at least on one side, for me!), if we had it in our hometown, we would legit have a 400 person wedding. Can we afford a 400 person wedding? No. Of course not. Plus, I don't want to be meeting people at my wedding, especially not Boyfriend's mom's second cousin's daughter's boyfriend's sister.
SO we are definitely thinking of a destination wedding so we can control our wedding number a little more.

5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another? Do share!He calls me badger sometimes... though I'm not sure why. I call him "honey" most of the time and he calls me "baby" and we both call each other "love". I made it very clear at the beginning that I don't like being called "babe"... when I played competitive softball, we all called each other "babe" in encouragement, in a sportsy way, like, "come on babe, you got this!" so it doesn't feel romantic to me.

6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey.
He's incredibly kind, he's silly with me, and he has my exact brand of humor.

7. Tell us how he proposed? Or your ideal proposal?
 He hasn't proposed, but I don't think it would really matter... although I did set a few ground rules for future proposals (if any!): NOT on Valentine's Day, NOT on a big screen at a sporting event, NOT when at a restaurant in a public way (like, everyone comes around and watches). It would be one thing if we were the type of couple that were really lovey on V-Day, or went to games all the time, or were really public about our love, but we aren't. I honestly don't care if he proposes right when I wake up and I'm just wearing one of his shirts and my dance pants and my hair looks awful. I just don't want it to be forced just to be a good story. Any proposal is a good story if it fits with the couple.

8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?
Well, he got me chocolate covered strawberries and flowers, so a little of both! But definitely less romantic and more... masculine, if that makes sense. His romantic side is shown more in how he takes care of me (true story: I called him on my way home from work, sad because I had a rough day, and even though he was sick, he got out of bed, silently got dressed, drove to Sonic and bought me a diet coke with strawberry and vanilla, and made it back home before me just to surprise me. He's incredibly sweet).
9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?I would say a little of both. I'm definitely a home-body, but I like chill nights and a sunset dinner on the beach sounds as relaxing as a movie!
10. Tell us one thing you'd like to do with your significant one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?
I want to travel to Greece with him. He's a great traveling partner and we both want to go there!
11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine's Day.
Valentine's Day was Boyfriend's cousin's 21st birthday, so we took him out for a drink. And we made tacos and ate chocolate covered strawberries and then took a nap together. It was great!
12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine's day?
Since we are trying to save money, I told him not to get me anything but he got me strawberries, etc anyway!
13. Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love. 
Be honest and find joy in each other every day.
14. Show us a picture of what love means to you.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Young People in the Office

I've had a crazy busy week. Not only did I pick up some extra freelancing work for the Sun-News, my work is going through a branding change which means that my coworkers and I, in Media Services (handling all branding and marketing), have been going crazy making signs, writing press releases, taking photos, ordering materials, building forms, etc.

It's kind of fun going through all this. Since this is my first "big girl" job, all of my experiences are new and fun. It's neat seeing what a name change will do to a company of our size, and how much stuff there is to do all the time to make the change fluid. In the middle of that, I got to cover a rare radar delivery to the range, which was really interesting and fun to see!

It's hard being so young in such an experienced environment. I work with some of the leading professionals in their fields (radar, telemetry, engineering, programming, etc.) and almost all of them either have their PhD or are working on it. They are highly respected and incredibly smart. In addition, I'm not only one of the youngest people there, I'm also one of the only females in my company that isn't in HR or an Administrative Assistant.

ALSO, I'm young-looking. Really. So young-looking, in fact, that when a HIGH SCHOOL SOPHOMORE-LEVEL tour group came to our facility for a tour and my boss's boss asked me to cover the event for our newsletter or a press release, and I started taking pictures, one of the teachers told me I had to ask permission. She thought I was a high schooler! Not only that, she thought I was a young, 15-16 year old high schooler! I had to tell her, "No, I work here!"

And I got a blank stare. "Here?"

"Uh... I'm a technical writer. I'm 24. I have a college degree."

Then we both laughed because there was nothing else to say. She thought I was 15-16. This does, in some ways, make it difficult to be professional. I'm young and sweet, so I seem even younger than I really am. Don't get me wrong: there are times when I really put my foot down (ESPECIALLY when it comes to deadlines... I can't stand other people making ME miss my deadlines. I will do what it takes to get my work done in time) and I always surprise my coworkers with what my boss calls my "passion and dedication". In fact, he often tells his boss that he will "sic" me on people to get information because as a journalist, I will do whatever it takes to get the story: including standing by someone's desk for 20 minutes until they are done with their task and have a second to talk to me. Or I'll call 25 times and email 15 before visiting 10 times and leaving messages with their admins. I am tenacious!

It's incredible being so young in this environment because I know it won't get harder than this. My first assignment was talking to an engineer about a program he was working on and I literally understood NOT ONE THING about the program because it was all acronyms and highly technical documents... this was not entry level stuff here. This engineer has his PhD and is a nationally-recognized expert in his field. Every word he said sounded like he was speaking another language. I know that wherever I go from here, I will be prepared to handle any type of person and be able to handle myself in any interview. While I still sometimes have to ask stupid questions (well, stupid to them!), I know that you can't pay for this kind of experience!

While it's hard to be taken seriously sometimes (especially when some, not all, but some engineers are octogenarians and think that women are really only good for making coffee and are not 'technically qualified' to edit their precious documents even though I HAVE MORE SENIORITY THAN MY MALE COWORKER), I'm learning more and more with each passing day. And I'm proud of myself for growing as an employee, as a writer, as a technical writer, as a person.

And that's worth the 30 minute drive any day!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

New Mexico Weather

Today, as I curl up in a throw blanket with Boyfriend and Shadow, watching old episodes of Rock of Love on Hulu Plus, I think I want to address one of the biggest phenomenons of New Mexico weather: it might be bipolar.

Take today for instance. 11:00 was beautiful! The sun was shining, the air was cool but the sun was warm on your shoulders. There was a slight breeze, but nothing bad at all.

Fast forward to 3:00. Enter wind. Enter cold. Enter dust. When we had our big storm last February, the temperature dropped about 50 degrees in a week. I kid you not. That weekend, it was 50 degrees, but three days later, it was zero. ZERO! In one week!

I can handle cold (sometimes! lol), but I like to be prepared for the kind of day I'm about to have. There's nothing worse than carrying around a big coat all day when the weather decides to behave, or to wear a t-shirt and not bring a sweater only to encounter 35 degree weather as soon as the sun drops past mid-sky. It's ridiculous.

Today, Boyfriend and I avoided the weather as much as possible by going bowling and then spending the evening watching trashy reality show and relaxing. After a busy, busy day yesterday, it was so nice to just veg and not do anything at all.

Ah, Rock of Love. Back to the trashy show. Hasta luego!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Sunshines and Dark Clouds

It's FRIDAY! Time for some Sunshines and Dark Clouds!

  • Even though this is supposed to be an off Friday for me, yesterday my boss came in and asked if I could cover a radar delivery for work. I'm the only one with a photo badge, so I had to go. BOO! So I had to get up and go all the way into work on my day off.
  • Not only that, I had to go to a range I've never been to, so I was stressed about finding the place.
  • The weather is annoying me. It's warm in the afternoons, but only between like, 1 and 4. Other than that, it's pretty cold. Be consistent, weather!
  • After work, I came back into town and grabbed Boyfriend to go to lunch. We went to Emilia's, a little patio mexican place in Mesilla, for fish tacos and Coronas. Delicious!
  • Then Boyfriend and I headed to the movies and saw The Artist... I hadn't heard much about it, but it was nominated for a ton of awards and it was SO GOOD! It's about a silent film star and his transition into the era of talking pictures. Really great. And the dog was so adorable.
  • I picked up some extra freelance articles to do for the Sun-News, so extra money is coming my way. Always nice!
That's it for now! How are your Fridays?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Valentine's Day Approaches

Ah, Valentine's Day. I wrote all about it HERE if you would like to read it. In this column, I delve into the trials and tribulations that I've gone through on Valentine's Day... from little cartoon cards in elementary to the infamous rose sale in high school to now, a Valentine who happens to me the love of my life.

*Note: I hate when people use that term "love of my life" really freely. I've never used it until now because I've never been in love like this. Rest assured, I am not the type that uses that "soulmate" term freely.

But now I'm torn... what should I get him?! My only rules are that my gift is under $20, creative, and masculine. I'm not getting him flowers or something. He only tolerates the big V-day because he loves me, so I try to make it as painless as possible.

I'm kind of thinking...


A Kitten Mittons t-shirt (Always Sunny in Philly? Anyone?)!


A nice car detailing for his precious Mustang!

(This is an example because I don't have a pic of his car)


Drive Poster

One of Boyfriend's favorite movies from last year!


SOCKS! I don't know why, but Boyfriend is always out of socks. Is this too practical for a girlfriend gift? I'm a pretty practical girlfriend, so it might be appropriate.

What are you getting your significant other?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Most Perfect Weekend

Boyfriend and I have had the most perfect weekend so far. On Friday night, we headed to Buffalo Wild Wings with our best friends Thomas, Vanessa, Aaron and Mikey for some end-of-the-work-week drinks and wings.

There's Mikey, love-staring at Aaron. :o)

We chowed down on Asian Zing wings and fried pickles and laughed and laughed. It was a great chance to wind down. However, I had only eaten half a quesadilla and some sushi that day (around 700 calories) so two drinks got me super tipsy. I was really feeling good, so to help me combat a tiny hangover, Boyfriend took me to Wendy's on the way home to share some fries and a Frosty with me. :o)

We woke up late yesterday and lounged around until we got hungry (STARVING) around noon and headed to Subway to partake in their Febru-any $5 footlong special. We shared a chocolate cookie and each had half of a sandwich and half to take home. It was delicious.

Then we went to Toucan Market. I LOVE Toucan. It's a fancy specialty store in Las Cruces and it can be expensive (truth: I bought an $11 watermelon there and a tiny can of $2.50 green chile), but it has such fun things and great wine. We got some Gentlemen Jack for Boyfriend (who drinks whiskey and water), some of the expensive green chile, watermelon, and panko bread crumbs (to make healthy fried chicken).

Then we went to see The Grey. It was a great movie (Grey-t... get it?)! Part of it is that I love anything about wolves, part of it is that I love movies, part of it is that we shared some popcorn and it was really fresh and hot, but it was an especially nice movie experience. I love Liam and the story was good. It's about these seven guys that survive a plane crash in Alaska (I think) and trying to survive wolf attacks.

Then we ate some gyros and hummus at a local Greek place called Tiffany's. I LOVE gyros, but especially from this place. The meat is really flavorful and mixed with fresh tomatoes, thinly sliced onions and some of that white sauce (I have no idea how to spell it)? It's perfect.

We've also been wanting to watch some of the Oscar nominees, so Boyfriend suggested we rent Midnight in Paris from RedBox and head home, so that's exactly what we did. He made himself a Gentleman Jack and water and I made myself a Grey Goose and Sprite Zero (don't judge, it's so good) and we settled down in our bed to watch the movie.

It's SO SO GOOD! I don't want to spoil anything, but it's great, kind of like a Gabriel Garcia Marquez realism story... so great. I highly recommend it.

Today, we ate breakfast with my dad and now we're basically killing time until we head to Boyfriend's uncle's house for Super Bowl sunday. I'm excited for the rest of the evening, even though it means the end of a great weekend.

What are you doing for Super Bowl Sunday?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Sunshines and Dark Clouds

Unfortunately, this is an on Friday for me, which means that when you read this, I'll be at work. :o(

That's definitely a dark cloud! I'll start with those today.

  • It's an on Friday. So I'm working.
  • I need extra sleep.
  • I really, really want a vacation but we're going into a busy period at work, which means I'm nervous to even ask for a day in MAY off... yikes.
  • My internet is being shoddy, so hopefully this gets published.
  • My cell phone Flixster app has been being super super stupid, so I missed a movie I wanted to see because my app got the time wrong.
  • I'm almost completely out of groceries... so I have to go shopping.
  • I need to clean the shower but I hate doing that... maybe I can make Boyfriend do it!
  • I had 70 grams of protein yesterday. CRAZY. But now I'm super sick of meat and craving pasta, which is not the healthy type of eating I want to be craving.
  • We finally got sme stuff up on the walls (we've only been in this house since, oh, September!). It feels much more like a home now.
  • Shadow is being too adorable tonight. I just love it when he curls up at my feet with his tail wrapped around his nose. I hear that foxes do that to stay warm. Maybe he's part fox?
  • Only one more day until the weekend! WOO!
  • I'm excited for the Super Bowl... not for the teams, but for the party at Boyfriend's family's house.
  • I've discovered Dance Moms on Lifetime... it's incredible. The moms are crazy, but the girls are too cute and the are amazing dancers! I love watching dancing shows.
  • Also, if you love The Hunger Games, watch the Evil Iguana productions spoof of the trailer... it's hilarious. "Probably spear to the head."

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Sorry I've been MIA. Nothing big going on in my life (when is anything ever really going on, though? I work, I make dinner, I work out, I watch crappy reality TV). I've been suuuper tired lately, though I'm not sure why. I took a wonderful nap today before I worked out on the elliptical, so I feel better than ever, but every other night has been awful.

I go through a mental dilemma every evening. I looove having evenings off (so different from my serving job), but I only get to see Boyfriend for about an hour before he goes to work, and then about a half hour after work before my eyelids start drooping and I start dozing off on the couch. So until he gets off, I'm basically just waiting for him to get home... like, I always have an idea of the time and I mentally, unconsciously think, "Only two hours until he's home..." You know?

Though I shouldn't complain too much. I looove having time in the evenings to spend time with my girlfriends. I can make plans with my friends four nights a week without feeling like a bad girlfriend. I like having time to watch my girly movies and play MarioKart and nap. But I still miss him, especially when I just want to nap. Boyfriend's the BEST nap partner because he's always warm, so he's like a little heater, and he lets me burrow into that nook of a slope from his neck to his shoulder. It's my favorite.

Nothing that big is going on this week, so I'll let you all go. Have a good week!